This latest installment in the Human X series, directed by Thierry Donard, celebrates the exploits of extreme athletes who push their limits in the most perilous conditions. This documentary is a true epic, crossing the majestic peaks of the Alps to the waters of Tasmania and French Polynesia.
We consider these athletes who practice extreme sports to be “extreme humans” because of their ability to overcome fear, risk, and the various physical and mental challenges they face. In a world facing increasing climate problems, these athletes are fine examples of sporting resilience.
This multi-sport ode celebrates a selection of exceptional athletes, whose adventure stories follow one another to form a unique, captivating and inspiring work. Young snowboarder Zian Perrot-Couttet solos a mystical ascent of the Aiguille Verte, illustrating personal quest and self-improvement.
The film explores the theme of sharing with Swiss speedriders Ueli Kestenholz and Dominik Wicki who, accompanied by Savoyards Valentin Delluc and Ugo Gerola, take on the dizzying slopes of the Valais Alps. A Dream Team of four speedriders among the best in the world! On the other side of the planet, in the southern hemisphere, Australian Big Wave surfer Laura Enever challenges the titanic waves of Shipstern Bluff in Tasmania and the legendary Tahitian spot of Teahupoo. Her determination commands respect, facing these waves among the most feared by surfers.
The conclusion takes place in Chamonix, temple of world mountaineering, with the trio of Chamonixians Sam Favret, Zian Perrot-Couttet & Gaspard Ravanel who, with the help of their paragliders, renew the exploration of the great classics of the Mont-Blanc Massif. These athletes remind us how much humans love to push their limits even further.
We call these humans: Human X.